New Economic School - Gradcafe Economics

New Economic School  - gradcafe economics

New Economic School, NES (in Russia known as the “Russian Economic School” â€" Российская экономическая школа, РЭШ) is a graduate school of economics in Moscow, Russia. It is the first private university in Russia after the fall of communism, and the only one that does not depend on government funding.

New Economic School  - gradcafe economics
Academic programs

  • Master of Arts in Economics (from 1992)
  • Masters in Energy Economics (from 2014)
  • Masters in Finance (from 2007)
  • Master of Science in Finance (from 2015)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Economics (from 2011)

New Economic School  - gradcafe economics
Alumni and students

As of October 2016, 1386 young economists hold Master of Arts in Economics degree from the New Economic School and 161 students have graduated from the Masters in Finance program. More than 1000 are working in Russia, 85% have a career in the private sector, mostly in international companies, investment banks, and consulting. 350 NES graduates went to continue their studies in PhD programs (such as Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Chicago, Stanford University, Yale University, Northwestern University, Columbia University, New York University, the University of Pennsylvania, the London Business School, and the University of Toulouse).

More than 80 PhDs work as economics faculty in US and UK universities: MIT, Princeton University, Stanford, Yale, the University of California, Berkeley, Columbia, UPenn, NYU, LSE, LBS and others, in the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund; 29 PhDs have come back to Russia.

Most students have their first degree in mathematics, physics, or economics, with 40% from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, another 20% from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and 10% from the Novosibirsk State University. 30% are female and more than a half comes from outside of Moscow, many being citizens of other countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

New Economic School  - gradcafe economics
Faculty and research

The core of NES is the resident faculty of 39 economists with PhDs in economics and finance from the leading universities, including Harvard, MIT, London Business School, the University of Michigan, and the University of Wisconsinâ€"Madison. About half of the faculty are foreign. In 2013, the first foreign rector Simeon Djankov was appointed, with the task of bringing the New Economic School within the top ranks of European universities in economics and finance.

These faculty members represent Russian economics in the global economics profession by participating in the international conferences and publishing in the leading international economics journals, including Econometrica, The American Economic Review, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Review of Economic Studies, the Journal of Economic Perspectives, the Journal of Economic Literature, the Journal of the European Economic Association, the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Business, and the American Political Science Review.

New Economic School  - gradcafe economics

In 2014, NES moved to a new campus at Skolkovo, built for the purposes of academic life, and combining modern auditoria with sports and recreation facilities.

New Economic School  - gradcafe economics
External links

  • NES

New Economic School  - gradcafe economics

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