Economic Report Of The President - Economic Report Of The President

Economic Report of the President  - economic report of the president

The Economic Report of the President is a document published by the President of the United States' Council of Economic Advisers (CEA). Released in February of each year, the report reviews what economic activity was of impact in the previous year, outlines the economic goals for the coming year (based on the President's economic agenda), and makes numerical projections of how the economy will perform. Criticism usually follows, sometimes attacking the importance placed or not placed on particular data, and also on the importance of particular goals presented in the Overview. The full text of the document can be found here along with reports from previous years.

Actual data that is related to or used in the report can be found at the following websites:

The White House Website

Economic Report of the President  - economic report of the president

Economic Report of the President  - economic report of the president
External links

  • Economic Report of the President
  • Reports 1947 to present on FRASER

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