2023 Vision - Economic Goals

2023 vision  - economic goals

The 2023 vision is a list of goals released by the administration of Prime Minister (now President) Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan, to coincide with the centenary of the Republic of Turkey in 2023.

2023 vision  - economic goals
Elements of the 2023 vision


  • Become one of the top ten world economies
  • Gross domestic product of $1 trillion by 2014 (not met)
  • Gross domestic product of $2 trillion by 2023
  • Increase annual Turkish exports to $500 billion
  • Per capita income of $25,000
  • Foreign trade volume of $1 trillion
  • Increase the employment rate by 10 points to a working population of 30 million
  • Reduce the unemployment rate to 5 percent


  • Build 20,000 Megawatt installed capacity of wind energy and 600 Megawatt installed capacity of geothermal energy
  • Reduce energy consumption to 20 percent below 2010 levels through improved efficiency
  • Three operating nuclear power plants and those plants are expected to have an installed capacity of 14,700 Megawatt.

Foreign policy

Turkey's foreign-policy objectives and vision as articulated by former Prime Minister Ahmet DavutoÄŸlu:

Health care

  • 100 percent participation in health insurance systems
  • Raise the number of physicians per 100,000 people to 210 physicians


  • Build 11 thousand kilometers of new railway and expand the high-speed train network
  • Build 15 thousand kilometers of divided highway
  • Grow ports to number among world's 10 largest
  • Domestically produced airplanes, unmanned aerial vehicles and satellite


  • Be the fifth largest tourist destination
  • Host 50 million visitors per year
  • Obtain 50 billion USD of tourism revenue

2023 vision  - economic goals
Explanations for failure

The "Mastermind" conspiracy theory

In 2014, Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan coined the term "mastermind" (Turkish: ust akil) to denote the alleged command and control institution, somewhat ambiguously placed with the government of the United States, in a comprehensive conspiracy to weaken or even dismember Turkey, by orchestrating every political actor and action perceived hostile by Turkey. ErdoÄŸan as well as the Daily Sabah have on multiple occasions alleged that very different non-state actors â€" like the Salafi jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the Anarcho-Marxist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the Islamist cult with political ambitions around Fethullah Gülen â€" were attacking Turkey at the same time in a well-coordinated campaign. A notable instance of promoting the "Mastermind" conspiracy theory was in February 2017 Ankara Mayor Melih Gökçek claiming that earthquakes in the western province of Çanakkale could have been organized by dark external powers aiming to destroy Turkey’s economy with an "artificial earthquake" near Istanbul.

2023 vision  - economic goals

2023 vision  - economic goals
External links

  • (Turkish) Full Text of Prime Minister Erdogan's speech
  • (English) Tourism Strategy of Turkey by Ministry of Culture and Tourism
  • (Turkish) Industry Strategy Document by Ministry of Industry and Trade

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